Working together for the future

News - 08 March 2021

Cities are changing, and so is mobility. New ideas and working methods are needed to link the city and the motorway. Interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches offer future value in this respect.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management explains in “Working together for the future” - a short film focused on area development around the A2 in Maastricht - how the practical value, amenity value and living environment could be greatly improved by working together.

The film was made possible in part by the efforts of Professor Margot Weijnen and the Delft Deltas, Infrastructures & Mobility Initiative (DIMI).

Margot Weijnen is Professor Process-  and Energy systems at the TPM faculty and scientific director of the Next Generation Infrastructures (NGinfra) foundation.
NGinfra shares and creates knowledge, expertise, scientific research, visions, working methods and opinions, together with scientists and social partners.

DIMI deals with social issues and issues related to water and transport systems and the qualitative design and use of the natural and built environment. Collaboration is central in this. DIMI brings multidisciplinary teams of scientists and students from TU Delft together with social stakeholders to help answer their tasks. Scientists at TU Delft, for example, concentrate on the development of concepts and notions through (design) studies. Students of TU Delft are prepared for their role as engineers of the future, who can think and act by learning in workshops, cross-domain studios, and the bachelor minor program “Integrated Infrastructure Design”. 

TU Delft - Samen werken aan de toekomst