N. (Na) Chen


Na CHEN received her bachelor degree in Traffic and Transportation and master degree in Traffic and Transportation Planning and Management from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, in 2013 and 2016 respectively. She is currently a PhD student in Delft University of Technology, and her project title is “Cooperative automated driving strategies for efficient traffic operations near on-ramp bottlenecks”. 

9, 2016 - current   
Delft University of Technology
A PhD candidate. Research topic: “Cooperative automated driving strategies for efficient traffic operations near on-ramp bottlenecks”

9, 2013 - 4, 2016   
Beijing Jiaotong University
Master in Traffic and Transportation Planning and Management

9, 2009 - 6, 2013
Beijing Jiaotong University
Bachelor in Traffic and Transportation

Research themes:

  • Cooperative and Automated Driving

Na Chen

PhD Researcher

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