Automated Driving and Simulation Lab

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) are entering our roads at an increased rate and with increasingly higher levels of automation. Their presence will have an increasing impact on traffic dynamics, road safety and the way we interact with each other in traffic. There are many critical  uncertainties surrounding their introduction and impacts: How well will they perform in interaction with other road vehicles? Will they change the dynamics of traffic flow? Are they safe enough and what does safe enough actually mean? Are humans sufficiently able to interact with CAVs, and what is ethically and sociality acceptable? Does society trust and accept these vehicles and under which circumstances? These are just some of the questions that the Automated Driving & Simulation (ADaS) lab considers.

Automated Driving & Simulation research lab aims to perform interdisciplinary excellent research on all areas related to Automated Driving in road traffic. This is focussed on aspects related to traffic dynamics, traffic safety, vehicle motion, societal acceptance and ethics. To do this, we collaborate as a group of scientists from different disciplines, representing different departments of the TU Delft, from our base at the department of Transport & Planning at the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences. We also work closely with various industry and governmental partners to enhance the expanse, depth and the relevance of our research. We apply various different methods, which also include driving simulators and the development of traffic simulation approaches, which we primarily apply to our own simulation environment OpenTrafficSim (OTS).