Connected driving assistance and traffic management


Cooperative traffic management, Inter-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure communication based control systems.

Scientific challenges

The primary scientific challenge entails the design of cooperative control algorithms that can facilitate a transition towards higher penetration of in-car systems. Considerations of mixed traffic capability (manual vs automated) and implementation (mandatory or not) will be key in this. 
Furthermore, understanding the trade-off between performance, reliability and robustness for mixed information flows from vehicles and roadside systems, variations in penetration rates, and communication delays. 
Lastly, traffic state estimation and prediction, taking into account traffic flow dynamics in the presence of connected and/or automated vehicles. 

Societal relevance

In the recent years, some notable advances have been made in developing in-car sensing and communication technology, and automated driving capability. The technology is expected to be readily available and affordable in the near future. With these developments, connected traffic control offers a unique opportunity, for more efficient and safer road transport.

Niharika Mahajan

Start/end date: December 2014 – December 2018
Daily supervisor: Andreas Hegyi
Promotor: Bart van Arem, Serge Hoogendoorn