Zoek je beeld bij een artikel over de TU Delft? Beelden hieronder mag je gebruiken onder vermelding van ‘TU Delft/[naam fotograaf]’. Met…
Delft Technology Fellowship
TU Delft Technology Fellowship The Delft Technology Fellowship offers high-profile, Academic Career Track positions to outstanding female…
Health Delft
The future of health - It's up TU. The future of health - It's up TU. Challenge. Change. Impact. Advancing humanity’s well-being through…
Extension School
Vacatures voor de Extension School van de TU Delft De Extension School werkt samen met de faculteiten van de TU Delft om professionals en…
Cleanroom engineers and technicians
Cleanroom engineers and technicians Enable pioneering research into nano and quantum technology R&D is crucial to develop ever smaller and…
Hoogleraren Civiele Techniek & Geowetenschappen
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Prof.dr.ir S.G.J. Aarninkhof Hydraulic Engineering Prof.dr.ir. B. van Arem Transport &…
PhD for thermoplastic composites
Help accelerate the development of ultra-lightweight structures for large aircraft To drive climate neutrality in aviation, the development…
Topical lunches
Topical lunches 2023-24 June 11, 2024 : Topical lunch was cancelled. May 21, 2024 : Topical lunch was cancelled. April 17, 2024: Dr. Martin…
Community and Social Events
Early Career Researchers Day 2024 The DYA hosted the first Early Career Researchers Day in July, where early career assistant professors…
Postdoc Career Event
The Postdoc event was aimed at members who hold a Postdoc contract and want to explore their future career options. During this event,…