Jan Leen Kloosterman
In my research I focus on the analysis and development of nuclear reactors and fuel cycles that excel on safety and sustainability. My dream is a nuclear reactor that is inherently safe, fully utilizes uranium and/or thorium, and produces no long-lived nuclear waste. I try to achieve this via the development of the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (Th-MSR), about which you can read much more on the following site: www.JanLeenKloosterman.nl
Furthermore I always look at the application of nuclear fission reactors for medical purposes, like the irradiation of tumours with neutrons or the production of isotopes.
For student bachelor and master projects, please visit: www.JanLeenKloosterman.nl/projects.php
prof.dr.ir. Jan Leen Kloosterman
- +31(0)15-27 81191
- j.l.kloosterman@tudelft.nl
Building 50
Room: 1.01.140
Mekelweg 15
2629 JB Delft
The Netherlands