Danny Lathouwers
Our research focus is on the use of computational techniques in the field of nuclear reactor physics and related areas. Cutting edge numerical techniques, such as self-adaptive techniques, are used to describe the physics of reactor systems and are exploited to gain new insight in for example the dynamics under off-normal conditions.
Our ultimate challenge is the numerical nuclear reactor where a complete reactor system containing all physics sub-processes can be simulated in detail and can interact with each other. Recently, our interest has extended to the field of proton therapy where we apply and further develop our adaptive numerical techniques for charged particle transport with the goal of efficiently obtaining high-quality dose distribution in patient geometry.
More information on the following site: http://www.dannylathouwers.com/
dr.ir. Danny Lathouwers
Associate Prof.
- +31(0)15-27 83148
- D.Lathouwers@tudelft.nl
Building 50
Room: 1.01.040
Mekelweg 15
2629 JB Delft
The Netherlands