4. Creating and improving projects/ assignments
Designing good assessments has four stages:
- Making a blue print (a schematic overview);
- Writing the test itself;
- Writing an answer model/rubric;
- Getting feedback on step 1, 2 and 3 from peers.
For exams and assignments, the process is very much alike:
Table 11. Comparing design process for assignments and exams
1. Blue print of test | 2. Test | 3. Answer model | 4. Peer feedback | ||
Assignment | Consistency check table Rows: LOs Columns: deliverables Cells: criteria and weighting | Assignment description | Answer model
| Peer feedback | |
Exam | Assessment matrix Rows: LOs Columns: levels of Bloom Cells: (sub)question number(s) and weighting | Exam (including front page) |
| Peer feedback |
One characteristic of assignments is that the assignment simulates a situation in the work field, and that learning activities and assessment activities are combined into one. Therefore, one could consider that assignments should be constructively aligned within themselves (see Figure 10).
In case of an assignment, this triangle consists of objectives, tasks/instructions and the assessment criteria. These should be aligned. Furthermore, you must make sure that students get feedback on each and every criterion in some form, before they deliver their final product. The feedback might consist of feedback on an early version of a report, or on a pitch, but also on separate exercises (that focus on one or more criteria), or even peer feedback. As long as the students have a reliable indication of on what level they are performing per criterion.
In chapter 2 in Designing assignments used for assessment (Van de Veen. 2016), an explanation and a step-by-step tutorial of how to design the blueprint of an assignment is explained. This results in an assignment specification form (Figure 2.5, Van de Veen, 2016, pp. 38-39, and a consistency check table (p. 56). The goal of this table is to enable us to check whether:
- All learning outcomes are fully covered by the criteria;
- The division of points between the criteria matches the importance of the criteria and the corresponding learning outcomes;
- Criteria that do not match any learning objective are removed or moved to the ‘prerequisite’ row, where the knock-out criteria are grouped; and
- The amount of supervision is appropriate for the learning objectives.
Following is a slightly simplified version of the assignment specification form and consistency check table. This is an example of a consistency check table for an imaginary project where students have to design a foot-bridge over the Schie canal in Delft that can withstand a hurricane for first year mechanical engineering students. Each column represents a product that they need to deliver, or in each cell, you can find the criteria that they will be assessed on.
Table 12. Example consistency check table for an imaginary 1st year bachelor project in which students have to design a foot-bridge.
While using a consistency check table, please notice that the columns are called ‘tasks’ in the book. In general, the columns usually contain the following:
- Deliverables: objects that need to be handed in, for example, a report or a piece of coding; or that has a date at which they are presented, for example, a presentation, poster presentation, pitch);
- Attitudes, skills or behaviours: attitudes, skills and behaviours that are (only) tested during the period that students are working on the assignment or project (e.g. participation, critical attitude, independence, preparation, laboratory skills, programming skills, group work skills).
4.2. Assignment description
Chapter 3 of Van de Veen (2016) discusses how to write a clear and motivating assignment description. Section 3.3 contains very valuable tips. She proposes a format for writing an assignment description, that forces you to include all important parts of such a description. On page 62-63 of Van de Veen (2016), you will find a good example. In 4.4.b ‘Checklist for assignments’, you will find the checklist that may help you to formulate your assignment.
4.3. Assessing assignments: rubrics and grading instructions
In an answer model for assignments, you can either use a simple scoring guide rubric or a rubric. You will find different types of rubrics in Van de Veen (2016) and can adjust them to your needs. Here is an overview:
- Scoring guide rubric for an essay on the history of the idea of Europe: p. 74. This type of rubric only describes the pass level per criterion. Keep in mind that the description should contain the pass level (minimum acceptable level). The example in the book seems to describe a higher level than the pass level.
- Standard rubric for a project with a drone that should fly through an obstacle course (deliverables are flight performance of the drone, the program (software), and a report): p. 77
- Three-level rubric of a presentation, including a score and comments column: pp. 92-93 = pp. 106-107.
Some additional tips/considerations:
You might want to reverse the order of the columns from ‘best’ to ‘worst’ level, so that students can directly read the expectations for the highest level next to the criteria and therefore can quickly determine what is expected from them.
In case your columns are ordered from ‘worst’, to ‘best, the good thing is that you can diminish the text in the descriptors, by making, for example, the ‘good’ and ‘excellent’ level build upon the ‘sufficient’ level. An example of these ‘incremental’ descriptors, using ‘…’ for the part that is repeated is the following:- Sufficient: ‘Mathematical formulation is correct and variables are individually explained’
- Good: ‘…in relation to each other’
- Excellent: ‘…and to the model.’
This helps to keep the rubric simple and clear in a glance. Consider using the rubric for peer feedback for, for example, a draft product. You may replace the grade calculation table by a simple formula, if that suits you better, whether or not you add some minimum levels for all or for certain criteria or criteria groups.
You might (or might not) find it useful to give a better overview by clustering criteria into criteria groups. For example: split the criteria group ‘writing style’ into the criteria ‘clarity’, ‘conciseness’, and ‘objectivity’.One extra tip/consideration about knock-out criteria:
- Instead of giving a maximum number of pages excluding figures, you might want to give a maximum number of words, including captions (which makes it easier to check). This might prevent students from using terribly small fonts or placing all figures at the end of their report (making it more difficult to read & grade) to enable them to count the number of pages without figures.
Below, an example of a rubric is depicted for the group-work part of the report of the bridge designing project from the consistency check table (see Table 13).
Table 13. Rubric for grading the group part of the report of the bridge designing project from the consistency check table in Table 12
When you are grading with a number of colleagues, you will most likely have a meeting (sometimes called ‘calibration session’) in which you will all grade one or a couple of products (reports, code, etc.) and discuss how you make the grading as objective and uniform as possible and what to do in case you are questioning how to grade a particular criterion or student’s product.
4.4. Checklists for assignments
In this section you will find three checklist that may help you to improve your consistency check table, your assignment, and your rubric. Use these to make sure you include everything that has to be included, and to identify opportunities for improvement. Keep in mind that some points on the checklist may be more or less important for your particular assignment. Furthermore, you probably will have to make a trade-off between practicability on the one hand, and validity and reliability on the other hand.
Checklist 2. Checklist for consistency check tables
Checklist for consistency check table:
▢ Are the criteria in the rubric are the same as in the consistency check table? (validity, alignment)
▢ Are the criteria names are short, descriptive, specific and clear? (reliability, transparency)
▢ Do students get (peer) feedback on all criteria first before being evaluated for a grade on these criteria? (effectivity)
▢ Is each learning objective fully covered by its criteria? (validity)
▢ Are the criterion weightings are representative of the importance of the learning objectives?3 (validity)
▢ Are all criteria that do not match a learning objectives knock-out criteria? (i.e. prerequisite to receive feedback or grading; validity)
▢ Are the criteria unique? (no overlap between criteria) (reliability)
Checklist 3. Checklist for assignment description
Checklist for assignment description:
▢ Are the students addressed directly? (‘you will’ instead of ‘the students will’) (effectivity)
▢ Is the lay-out clear? (e.g. use of bullets for steps, highlighting what is important) (effectivity, transparency)
▢ Are resources provided (literature, formats, example code, etc.), if finding/creating them is not part of the learning objectives? (validity, effectivity, practicability)
▢ Is the assignment written clearly and concisely. (reliability)
▢ Is all terminology likely to be known to all students? (e.g. no regional/national ‘general knowledge’) (reliability)
▢ Is the assignment aligned with the learning objectives? (validity)
▢ Is there enough time to complete the assignment? (practicability)
▢ Will the assignment lead to a product that will demonstrate the level of mastering the criteria? (validity)
▢ Does the assignment description contain each of the following elements? (effectivity):
▢ introduction: stating the relevance of the assignment.
▢ learning objectives: stating what the student will learn.
▢ instructions: explaining the activities that need to be undertaken.
▢ product: describing what the concrete result are.
▢ feedback/evaluation: criteria for assessment, and when and how feedback will be given.
Checklist 4. Checklist for rubrics
Checklist for grade
▢ Is it clear what the weightings of the criteria are?
▢ Is it clear how the grade is derived?
▢ Does performance at the minimum level of a pass leads to a pass grade?
▢ Is it possible to get a 10, judging by the criteria descriptors?
Checklist for descriptors
▢ Is it feasible to get a 10, judging by the descriptors of the highest levels?
▢ Are the descriptors objectively formulated? (no ‘just sufficient’ ‘excellent’)
▢ Are the descriptors specific and clear?
▢ Are the descriptors of each criterion unique? (no overlap between descriptors of adjacent levels)
Checklist for usability
▢ Does the rubric give a good overview at first glance? (not to many rows or columns)
▢ Does the rubric fit on one A4?
▢ Is the lay-out clear?
▢ Is the amount of details suitable? (not too detailed / no information that belongs in a course book).
▢ Is there space for specific (individual) feedback?
4.5. Group skills: to assess or not to assess?
If you have decided to have your students do your assignments in groups, there are two questions to answer:
- Do you assess the students on soft skills like ‘group skills’?
- Do you train them on group skills?
Even if you decide that you do not want to assess group skills, group performance may be limited by problems with group skills. Therefore, group skills will influence the grade, whether you like it or not. This will limit the validity and reliability of your grade. And more importantly, it might hinder learning. Not all students naturally possess group-work skills. Therefore, they need your help, feedback and guidance.
Here are some common subjects that group members might have different opinions on, which will negatively influence group performance:
- Levels of ambition (for example the desirable grade),
- Communication standards,
- Collaboration,
- Time needed to complete the work,
- Working hours
- Choosing a place to work,
- Decision making, and
- Problem solving.
You can have your students discuss these things openly during a kick-off meeting, and to reach an agreement before starting the project. You can have the students monitor each other’s behaviour using Scorion. They can also give feedback on each other’s work using Feedback Fruits and Presto.
If you choose to grade the group process, you can do so on the level of an individual, or on the level of the group. In both cases, you must make sure that you have enough observations to base your grade on. For individual grading, you might grade the student’s behaviour in the group, her evaluation of her group’s behaviour, and the quality of the student’s own skills, needed for the project. You can also evaluate at the group level yourself, or give the group responsibility for this process. In that case, you could evaluate, for example:
- The product/content (product, report, presentation, interview, portfolio, customer evaluation),
- The process/planning (project plan, planning, logbook, criteria list, study contract, portfolio, report), and
- The cooperation (evaluation report, individual reflection report, criteria list, process report, presence list, peer evaluation).
For a list of references used in creating this manual please visit this page.
3. To get a more reliable evaluation of how well students perform on important criteria, it is actually good practice to split important criteria into (sub)criteria. This will also give your students and you more information on what aspects of the ‘big’ criterion students will need to work on. Henk van Berkel, Zicht op toetsen, 1999, Van Gorcum, pp 152-153.