Implementation of new technology in socio-technical surgical context

Implementation of new technology in socio-technical surgical context

Promotores: Perla Marang- Van de Mheen, Oscar Oviedo Trespalacios

PhD: Gizem Ayerdem

In collaboration with: Rob Nelissen

Planned period: December 2023 - 2027

Project summary: The aim of this thesis is to increase our understanding these socio-technical interactions in daily surgical practice, how these interactions change when new technologies are implemented, and to develop new methods that will improve the ability of professionals to monitor the impact of implementing new technology on safety of patients.

Background of the project

The pace of technological development is happening more rapidly in this modern era, which is also observed in daily surgical practice. New technologies such as surgical robotics, new implant designs, algorithms to support decision-making, and feedback systems are introduced continuously to improve quality and safety of patient care. Nevertheless, implementing these components in daily surgical practice often requires adaptions to the workflow and mental models of professionals using the technology, which may induce errors and result in complications for patients.