FMaaS Project

Principal Investigators: Dr. Stefano Fazi and Dr. Jafar Rezaei (TU Delft)

Project manager support: Dunja Swierstra

Planned period: 1 February 2024 – 31 January 2029

Project summary: The goal of this project is to conceive an effective and sustainable digital matching platform for composite services, defined as Freight Mobility as a Service (FMaaS), combining offerings from multiple, independent service providers, analyse its consequences, and understand the conditions under which such platforms are accepted and used, and provide environmental and societal benefits.

About the project

The ambition of this project is to enhance the seamless dynamic operation of the Dutch multimodal freight network and help achieve environmental targets at the national level, as clearly expressed by the NWA route “Logistics and transport in an energetic, innovative and sustainable society.” This is realised through investigating the societal use of an FMaaS platform in an interdisciplinary setting. The main goal is to conceive an FMaaS that is acceptable and appealing to all actors involved and is oriented towards sustainable choices. The overarching question is ‘how logistics platforms should develop to solve the bottlenecks in intermodal transport?’.

Download the project summary here.

The project is part of the Dutch Research Agenda – research along NWA routes by consortia – which is partly financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) 

Consortium consists of

11 beneficiaries:

  • Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
  • Fontys
  • Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
  • HZ University of Applied Sciences
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Vlerick Business School
  • University of Groningen
  • Tilburg University
  • University of Wageningen
  • University of Twente
  • University of Antwerp

13 Co-funders:

  • Uturn
  • Evofenedex
  • Poort8
  • Cofano
  • ACN
  • Smartport
  • Hellocontainer
  • Van Berkel Logistics
  • Cargoplot
  • Tri-vizor
  • Eversspecial
  • Trans-EU

FMaaS - Kick-off meeting

The FMaaS kick-off meeting was held on the 7th of March at the Royal Delft Museum. Representatives of the companies, institutions, and universities participated in the event.
