Writing coaching for PhD students

Writing emergency? Visit the Writing Doctor

Do you find writing a real pain? Are you suffering from procrastination? Or are you looking for a magic potion that will make sense of your supervisor’s feedback? Time to visit the free Writing Doctor’s walk-in hours at the TU Delft Writing Centre (TPM, Jaffalaan 5, C0.020), between 10:00-12:00 hrs every Monday in January (or book a regular session on one of the other days in our calendar). Get a Meaningful, Relevant and Insightful (MRI) scan of your text, a diagnosis of your writing impairments and a treatment for your writing struggles. Visit the Writing Doctor and leave with a prescription for success — your text will thank you!

Stuck on your writing? Meet  with one of our expert coaches for a free 45-minute writing coaching session. Simply book a time-slot in our calendar

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