Wellbeing Surveys


The surveys were circulated to understand how TU Delft students were coping during COVID-19 and with remote studying.

The unfamiliar pandemic context created new challenges and hardships for everyone around the world, especially students. To respond appropriately to the situation and help students, the Student Wellbeing Task force and Study Climate programme invited TU Delft researchers to design an assessment instrument that could understand the impact of the new situation on student wellbeing, and most importantly, enable institutional action in response to student needs.

Researchers Derek Lomas and Willem van der Maden, from IDE took a human-centered participatory design approach to develop My Wellness Check. A context-sensitive wellbeing feedback system that was designed as a low burden data collection format with a focus on useful reflection, good experience and with a 'Human Touch'. The data from the survey gave quantitative and qualitative insights. Furthremore, Community-Led Stakeholder Workshops’ were carried out to analyse the qualitative data with the purpose of translating survey data into organizational response, which resulted in a broad range of feasible ideas / actionable results.

Student Wellbeing Insights


Quantitative Insights. From report, June-November 2020
COVID-19 impact on students' TUD life. Infographic from report 2020
Student Wellbeing Needs categories. Based on infographic and report* 2020
Student Wellbeing Insights. Infographic December 2021

Project Outcomes