On May 23, the Study Climate Programme in collaboration with the Kick-start Your Teaching programme organised a Wellbeing & Resilience event for employees relatively new in a teaching role at TU Delft. The event kicked off with an introduction to the theme of student success and topics under the study climate. Participants watched a video to get a glimpse of the student perspective on these topics and then reflected on what success meant to them as educators.

Afterwards, the attendees were able to follow workshops that explored essential topics and questions including, what constitutes resilience, and why is it crucial in the academic environment? How can TU Delft contribute to the wellbeing of both its students and employees? And what are some fundamental skills required to ensure the success of our students and staff throughout the academic journey?

Overall, the atmosphere was relaxed, and participants enthusiastically engaged with each other and the theme. The walk and talk break was highly appreciated where they took a small tour outside and enjoyed a bit of sun.

The workshops

In this workshop, the participants joined ECHO in exploring and understanding how a person’s intersectional identity provides exclusion or privilege to individuals. This workshop provided participants with an understanding and vocabulary to reflect on their identity from an intersectional perspective and how they can bring it into their engagement with students.

In this workshop, participants dove into future scenarios, based on the rapid changes we are witnessing all around us to identify their impact on education. They explored relevant skills that students will need to address these diverse emerging futures, and personal skills to maintain our own wellbeing in these ever-changing and uncertain scenarios.  

In this workshop, participants joined the exploratory dialogue led by TU Delft's preventive psychologists, delving into the realms of wellbeing and resilience. They gained insights from a psychological perspective while contributing to the conversation around mental health. The workshop was designed to foster understanding and support, for enhancing personal and collective resilience amongst students and staff at TU Delft.