Enrolment and planning

The course starts with P0: Enrolment, three lectures, team formation, finding a customer and topic.

The enrolment procedure helps to build successful teams and arrange the correct supervision.

To prevent that students without the required course experience and content knowledge would enroll, we have two requirements: See the Rules below.

The course coordinator will check individual fulfilment and communicate this if necessary to individual students. In case you already have the 50 EC when you hand in the enrolment form, then you have already passed this criterion.

After finishing P0, you continue with P1, where you finish your PVS (Project Vision and Scope document), which is graded. P1 provides the key to the gate of P2.


Please read the enrolment form carefully and check if you (can) fulfil both enrolment requirements. When in doubt, contact the course coordinator.

Digital form on Brightspace

Enrolment form