Industrial Design Engineering
Research Themes for Delft Technology Fellowship 2023-2024
We wish to further strengthen our leadership in the research area of Design for Sustainability and a Circular Economy in the Healthcare Sector. We are looking for a talented PhD graduate to explore, both in theory and practice, how the design of smart products and services can support and enable a transition towards an environment sustainable healthcare sector. Our current healthcare system follows a linear economy model dominated by single-use products and is responsible for over 7% over our national ecological footprint. There is an urgent need to develop and implement circular strategies like reuse (reprocessing), remanufacturing, repair and recycling of medical devices with the aim to extend the product lifetime and closing material flows. It is expected that smart products and services can play an important role in this transition towards a more sustainable healthcare system. Smart products and services are technology-enabled innovations, characterized by intensive use of information technology, and the ability to collect, process, produce and analyze information, resulting in specific actions. Smart products and services allow for a dynamic development of the relationship between the service provider, the (reverse) supply chain, and the user. Your research will be executed in close collaboration with our academic (i.e. Erasmus MC) and industrial network, and with students in our education programs. As part of building your research, you are expected to explore opportunities for developing and prototyping (or simulation) of smart product-services. Candidates are also expected to contribute to our education activities, including the popular BSc and MSc courses on Design for Sustainability and Circular Product Design.
We are looking for new colleagues interested in the design and engineering of Human-Centered AI Systems. The selected candidate is expected to establish a new line of research on the intersection of artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, and design. This position explores how designers can shape AI-based learning processes and how to design AI products and interactions that are robust, meaningful, and intelligible. The successful candidate will have an outstanding research record and expertise in combining human-centered and technology-driven research. The research should investigate both theoretical aspects of the proposed research topic and its practical application in authentic, real-world settings.