Discipline Geo-Energy

The Geo-Energy discipline will educate engineers who are fully equipped to play a substantial role in the global energy transition towards a more sustainable use of deep subsurface geo-resources, like geothermal energy, underground storage of CO2, H2, and hydrocarbon engineering.

With a rise in the worldwide standard of living and a growing world population, the use of the deep subsurface is becoming more intense. At the same time, society requires an accurate estimate of the risks and environmental impacts involved with subsurface engineering. 

What you will learn

➨ Characterising, monitoring and predicting the properties and behaviour of the energy-related subsurface use and the environmental response to subsurface engineering activities
➨ Simulating, predicting and monitoring processes of deep subsurface use and designing interventions while minimizing the economic and environmental risks

The future of Earth, Climate and Technology students revolves around geothermal energy, carbon capture and storage, rare earth metal mining, and subsurface storage of energy in the form of hydrogen. These are all topics that are well established or setting-off in the near future for which we will need a lot of engineers.

― Beer van Esser, Alumnus

Discipline Curriculum

In Q3, you start the Geo-Energy Discipline Core Module [6 ECS] simultaneously with one A-module [9 ECS] of your choice. Each A-module is divided into units which allows you to either dive further in the field of Geo-Energy, or gain complementary competencies from the Disciplines Earth Observation or Climate & Weather. In Q4 you follow B-Modules, gaining hands on experience in the lab and out in the field. 


In Q4 you will work on a field work project here in the Pyrenees. You’ll have unique opportunities to study multi scale (from cm to kilometres) sedimentological and structural heterogeneities to be able to build models of what’s underground.

Lab work

The laboratory component takes place in multiple lab areas. You will study fluid flow in porous rocks, analyse subsurface geomechanical behaviour, investigate acoustic wave propagation, and use CT scanners for 3D imaging of materials. With this hands-on work you’ll better understand subsurface phenomena, ensuring safer and more effective engineering applications.

| Highlighted Student Story

What is bubbling underground?

Of the many renewable sources of energy currently being explored, it was geothermal energy that caught the imagination of Cas Verweij. Geothermal energy, which is produced by pumping up hot water from reservoirs far below the Earth’s crust, has many uses. One of which is heating homes. Cas is studying the CO2 bubbles in the sub-surface to see if the rocks are suitable for geothermal energy.


What do graduates of Earth, Climate and Technology end up doing in the world? Watch the video’s and read their stories to find out.

Beer van Esser and Freek Smit

Geothermal energy to speed up the energy transition

I’m currently working on the Geothermie Delft project where I’m Assistant Drilling Supervisor. Currently we are drilling a geothermal doublet on the TU Delft campus, which will provide sustainable heat to the entire campus and a large part of the city of Delft.

Freek Smit, Assistant Drilling Supervisor, Aardyn BV