Student - Robert Meier

Name: Robert Meier
Student: Master Applied Physics

''After taking some fundamental maths and physics courses in the first two quarters, I was excited to delve deeper into the world of solar cells, wind turbines, batteries and also nuclear reactors.''

Robert Meier

My name’s Robert Meier, I’m an Applied Physics student in Delft. I came here in 2022 for an exchange year, with the goal of specialising in the physics of renewable energies. At my home university I did solid state physics, but I was looking for some more applied research connected to climate change mitigation and the energy transition. After taking some fundamental maths and physics courses in the first two quarters, I was excited to delve deeper into the world of solar cells, wind turbines, batteries and also nuclear reactors. This was exactly what I was looking for. I particularly enjoyed the large amount of group work for the assignments, but the exam weeks were very challenging because of the shortage of time. It was really helpful to go to the athletics association I joined right after I arrived in Delft. I also went running myself or hung out with my new Dutch friends, who taught me everything about kring verjaardagen, Sinterklaas, Kingsday and of course the beautiful language. 

I really enjoyed the Environmental Physics course, so when I decided to stay in Delft, I did my master’s thesis project there too. I was researching the uncertainty in low cloud feedback to the climate system. I found my passion there, so I’d like to start working as a PhD in that field. Before that, though, I’ll finish up my master’s with an internship at Whiffle, a small company that does high-precision weather forecasting for renewables. It’s a great fit for me, combining my interests in Environmental Physics and Physics of Energy!

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