How to support Gen-Y consumers to start investing sustainably


A design solution that connects to the investing needs of Gen-Y to motivate them to start investing sustainably.

When you invest your money, you have the potential to make a huge impact on the world of tomorrow. That is why it is so important to help people in choosing sustainable focused investments.

Segher Brons


Investing has become a hot topic among the younger generation since the Covid-19 crisis. However, much of its potential is still unused, as seen in a big group of the younger generation which is positive to start but procrastinates this decision. While this younger generation would like to make a positive impact with their money on the environment of the planet earth, the existing investing propositions aren’t helping them with that sustainable mission.

The assignment

In his graduation project, Segher researched how Rabobank can help this group of young non-investors start investing, but with a sustainable focus. Creating a win-win situation for the non-investor who gets motivated to start investing consciously while at the same time helping them to fulfil their sustainable ambitions.

Through qualitative interviews and a quantitative questionnaire, a behavioural model is drafted about the steps people take before they start investing. This model shows that a high-risk threshold prevents people from investing but that the right level of guidance can create a level of trust needed to bypass that risk threshold. Moreover, the needs of generation-Y and their sustainable investing behaviour were researched.