K.T. (Karlheinz) Samenjo

K.T. (Karlheinz) Samenjo


Karlheinz is part of the Design for Sustainability and Circular Economy group at TU Delft's Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. His research focuses on product, service, and system design for resource-constrained settings in Sub-Saharan Africa and other regions globally. These settings include areas with limited infrastructure, materials, supplies, and human resources, as well as a scarcity of essential, accessible, and affordable resources. This encompasses less affluent regions, areas affected by war, natural disasters, and more.



  • 2023-11-23

    De Mekelprijs

    The prize will be awarded to the most responsible innovation or research project at the TU Delft – projects that showcase in outstanding fashion that they have been committed from the beginning to relevant moral and societal values and have been aware of and tried to mitigate as much as possible in innovative ways the risks involved in their research.
