A two-fold approach
We incorporate the latest academic findings in the subject area of our courses and we develop courses and programs utilising insights from the latest educational research.
As online education generates massive amounts of data on student behaviour we can use this information to gain knowledge on learning and learning processes and apply the derived insights to improve the quality of education, for our online learners and for our campus students too.
What do we offer?
We provide the opportunity to work on pioneering science and education, with a salient data set and the chance to work closely with course instructors to create and facilitate an improved learning experience. Available data includes:
- Online education student data based on over 3.7 million enrollments
- Pre- and post-survey data on over 200 MOOCs and other online courses and programs (600,000+ responses)
- edX courses and activity data on over 200 MOOCs and other online courses.
Learner-centred and market-based
The relevance and impact of changes in the labour market, current societal challenges, and the varied interests of lifelong learners are important factors in our Research Agenda 2023-2028. It focusses on four tracks:
- Educational research to build knowledge and shape evidence-based practices for innovation in education.
- Development and innovation to implement insights, new methods and tools.
- Portfolio and customer focused research to evaluate the learner experience for inclusive and impactful education.
- Measuring the impact of our courses and programs for our learners and on equipping them to solve societal challenges.
Generating new ideas
Our research is one of the factors that makes us innovators in online education. We are open to experimentation and to new ideas. At the same time we are experienced in creating different educational formats and we put our expertise to the service of learners. See some examples of innovations incorporated into our courses.
Current research projects
Evaluating predictive models of student success: lessons learned from student retention – led by Dr Guanliang Chen at Monash University.
Would you be an active learner in MOOC discussion forums? The interplay of motivation, cognitive engagement, and social interaction – led by Xiaomei Wei at Leiden University.
Using Social Network Analysis to explore Learning networks in MOOCs discussion forums – by Ali Soleymani at the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Center for Education and Learning as a NWO-funded TransAct project.
A MOOC is an excellent way to gain insights into the research other departments and faculties engage in. And the knowledge gained from such research can have local but also global impact, which is essential in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable planet.
― Els Leclercq, Research Fellow Design and Construction Management
Photo by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay (CC-BY)
Want to do research?
If you are looking for data or a collaboration to carry out your (educational) research project, contact our Research Coordinator at We look forward to hearing from you!