
The Extension School works closely with faculty experts,  partners in academia and industry, and learners, to develop socially relevant online education; to research, innovate and improve online and campus teaching and learning; and to share lessons and insights with others.


We are an independent organisation within the TU Delft’s University Corporate Office and as such our management team reports directly to the Executive Board. Our international team of about 50 experts works closely with academic colleagues in faculties.

Our team provides knowledge and support in:

  • course development, instructional design and didactical support (incl. assessments, online proctoring and accreditation);
  • learning experience (incl. study support and course moderation);
  • learning technology (incl. data access and performance analysis and video publishing);
  • portfolio & marketing (incl.  business development and management, portfolio structure and marketing);
  • administration (from admission and registration to certification);
  • website & communication (incl. product and content management and strategic outreach).

Faculty management, academic experts and external partners are welcome members of our Strategic, Advisory and Quality Assurance boards. Their participation and co-ownership of the portfolio supports our ability to fulfil our mission.

ES Management Team

Arno Smets – Director of ES Education

Maaike van Buul – Manager Business Development

Sofia Dopper – Manager Education Support

Willem van Valkenburg – Executive Director

ES Education Management Team

Arjan van Timmeren – Academic Portfolio Director for the Sustainable Cities theme

Arno Smets – Director of ES Education

Christian Andersen – Academic Portfolio Director for the Quantum Technology

Oscar Oviedo Trespalacios – Academic Portfolio Director for the Future of Transportation theme

Rene van Swaaij – Academic Portfolio Director for the Energy Transition theme

Sylvia Mooij – Academic Portfolio Director for the Skills for Engineers theme

Tim Horeman-Franse – Academic Portfolio Director for the Medical Technology theme

Tom Viering – Academic Portfolio Director for the AI, Data & Digitalization

Faculty Coordinators

Grazia Bastasin – QuTech

Jipke Zegwaard – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science

Joost Groot Kormelink – Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management

José Hekkens – Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering

TBA– Faculty of Applied Sciences

Mariana Leandro Cruz – Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Merel Piekaar – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Milly Matthijs – (interim) Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences

TBA - Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment

Ann van Dam – ES Policy Adviser / Heads of ESA at Faculty EEMCS

Denise Tans – Secretary

Kristina Walther – Administrative Officer

Vicky van den Elsen – Policy Officer

Education Support

ES Education Advisory Board

  • Abbie Vanhoutte – Learning and Development Consultant, EMC Performance (professional training and coaching)
  • Gillian Saunders – Associate Professor in the Cognitive Robotics Dept., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • Giulia Calabretta – Associate Professor in Strategic Value of Design, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
  • Jill Slinger – Associate Professor, faculties of Civil Engineering & Geosciences and of Technology, Policy & Management
  • Katarzyna Rzezniczak – Director of Product Management, NewGlobe (education administration programs)
  • Kees Wijnberg –  Head of Engineering, Transavia (airlines and aviation)
  • Sjoerd Hooning – Team Leader Materials & Processes, Fokker Technologies Holding B.V. (aviation and aerospace components manufacturing)
  • Timon Idema – Program Director MSc Nanobiology, Faculty of Applied Sciences
  • Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan – Dressings Processing Lead – Europe, Unilever (consumer goods manufacturing)

ES Quality Assurance Board

  • Erik Ootes - Manager Logistics and Quality, Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment
  • Floor Bottemanne – Head Office Continuing Education, Utrecht University
  • Joris Melkert – Director of Education, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
  • Joost Groot Kormelink – Coordinator Open and Online Education, Faculty of Technology Policy & Management
  • Nikol Hopman – Director Centre for Professional Learning,  University of Leiden

ES Strategy Board

  • Albert de Voogd – Head of Education & Student Affairs, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences
  • Dick van Gameren – Dean Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment
  • Didi te Gussinklo Ohmann – Project Director, Van Oord (international maritime contractor)
  • Miguel Delcour – General Manager, KIVI (engineering society)
  • Ruud Balkenende – Director of Education Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
  • Sacha Kroonenberg – Director Education & Student Affair