10-year anniversary of the TU Delft Extension School for Continuing Education

The discourse around the provision of Lifelong Learning (LLL) continues to grow in importance and involves governments, educational institutions, and companies.
It focusses in particular on how such educational offerings can help bridge the skill gaps in the labour market, supporting employability and facilitating access to critical job sectors, such as those linked to our societies transitioning to more sustainable, affordable and equitable practices.

On 4 April 2024, the TU Delft Extension School for Continuing Education celebrates 10 years since its foundation. A decade dedicated to furthering the University’s commitment to the provision of post-initial education in science, design, and engineering to interested learners and working professionals worldwide.

It is an exciting time to reflect on what Learning for Life means now and for the future. To explore together how it can best serve professionals and what challenges and opportunities face educational institutions and their partners in industry and society.

Let’s discuss the way forward!


Session slides 

Please find links to download the slides next to each session. 

Expand the programme list to visualise the list of sessions. 

Guest speakers

Prof. Rob F. Mudde

Vice-rector Magnificus and Vice-president Education Delft University of Technology

Mariëlle Paul

Minister for Primary and Secondary Education

Anka Mulder

President of the Executive Board of the Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Norman Jackson

Emeritus Professor at the University of Surrey

Session presenters

Prof. David Abbink

Professor in Haptic Human-Robot Interaction at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TU Delft

Niek Bakker

Creative Director at the Management for Development Foundation

Prof. Christopher Capozzola

Senior Associate Dean for Open Learning at MIT

Tracey-Lee Davis

Learning developer at the TU Delft Extension School for Continuing Education

Prof. Maaike Endedijk

Professor in Learning and Technology, University of Twente

Prof. Felienne Hermans

Professor of Computer Science Education at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Amber Kornet

Researcher at Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Patricia Mancebo May

Learning Developer at the TU Delft Extension School for Continuing Education

Brandon Muramatsu

Associate Director Special Projects at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)