We would like to welcome you to participate in the SAFE & ProRISC conferences 2023 which will be held on 10th-11th July 2023 at the TU Delft.

Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits (ProRISC) is an annual conference on Integrated Circuit (IC) design, comprising of RF, mmWave, ADC, sensing and low power sub-areas.

Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics and Sensors (SAFE) is an annual conference on Microsystems Technology and Materials, and related application fields from RF-devices to Organ-on-a-Chip.

The SAFE & ProRISC conferences start with a plenary talk on Monday morning and will be followed by poster sessions and oral presentations by the PhD students. We also present three awards; 'best student poster', 'best flash presentation' and 'best oral presentation'.

The conferences are organized together within four Dutch technical universities of Twente, Delft, Eindhoven and Wageningen. The conferences are organized by the PhD students and are intended for the students to expand their network and share their research ideas which provides a unique opportunity for future collaborations. In 2019 the SAFE & ProRISC conferences were organised by TU Delft. In 2020 there was no SAFE & ProRISC conference due to Covid-19 situationand in 2021 the online conferences were organised by Eindhoven University of Technology. In 2022 we returned to a live conference in Twente.

We encourage all PhD students to submit a poster/paper to facilitate interactions among the students. Students may present already published work but can also feel safe to share their initial ideas without publishing them officially. There will be no proceedings nor any publications online. This means the paper is not considered as a pre-publication for future publications.

Don’t miss this great networking opportunity. We look forward to seeing you at SAFE & ProRISC 2023 in Delft!

prof. dr. Kofi Makinwa
- chair of the Electronic Instrumentation research group, TU Delft

prof. dr. Paddy French
- professor in the Bioelectronics research group, TU Delft

The handout of the conference is available here. This document contains a summary of all information available on the website (e.g. program, guest speaker list, rooms, etc.). You will receive a printed version during registartion at the entrance of the EEMCS building on monday morning.

Click here to download the handout file