CSGriP Cellular Smart Grid Platform
Project description
The incorporation of generated sustainable energy in the electricity grid is an important problem with the development of sustainable energy. To provide a solution here, the energy distribution network infrastructure must be modernised and more effectively utilised.
CSGriP develops grid concept to maximally integrate sustainable energyThe arrival of Smart Grids represents a good step towards better utilisation of the energy distribution network. The development of Smart Grids is, however, still associated with a number of uncertainties and associated risks. First of all it is still uncertain which technologies, products and services will be successful. Further, it is not clear how the costs and benefits of a Smart Grid will be shared between energy generators and suppliers, grid operators, consumers and service providers. Finally, it is not known when the large-scale roll-out of Smart Grids will take place, and how the responsibilities will be shared between the various players on the market. The Cellular Smart Grids Platform (CSGriP) project researches and develops a grid concept in which at distribution level grid parts operate largely self-sufficiently and self-regulating with local, decentralised generation and the local purchase of energy. This involves relatively low energy storage and new Smart Grid technologies. The grid parts are connected to each other by a backbone (the current medium-voltage power grid) to temporarily be able to exchange energy as necessary. Result: matching of supply and demand and the integration of sustainable energyThis innovative concept builds an intrinsically stable grid unit and maintains it without the need for a far-reaching and complex ICT infrastructure. The purpose of the concept is the maximum local matching of supply and demand and the maximum integration of decentralised sustainable energy such as solar-PV, micro-CHPs and wind turbines.
Alliander, Avans Hogeschool, Bredenoord Aggregaten, DNV Kema, Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, Pfixx Solar, TU Delft, Wind Energy Solutions (WES).