100 DAYS OF... Students Taking Responsibility | Kick-off | 17 September

17 september 2024 12:30 t/m 13:30 - Door: Teaching Academy | Zet in mijn agenda

100 DAYS OF... Students Taking Responbility | Kick-off sesssion | 17 September

During the Kick-Off event, the upcoming edition of the 100 DAYS initiative will be launched.
Participants will learn about the '100 DAYS OF...' initiative, followed by an interactive session focused on collecting topics to explore during the 'Students Taking Responsibility' program.
The goal is to collaboratively shape our exploration and learn from each other's interests and efforts related to Students Taking Responsibility.

12:30-12:45 > Walk-in and lunch
12:45-13:30 > Kick-off session
13:30-14:00 > (optional) Informal discussion & networking