Delft AI Lunch meets Machine Learning Teachers Get Together

Dr. Bianca Giovanardi (AE): a platform for sharing AI and machine learning educational materials for teachers

14 oktober 2024 12:30 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: Echo Arena | Zet in mijn agenda

The Delft AI (Lab) Lunch is a monthly meet-up hosted by the TU Delft AI Labs & Talent community. Every month, these events discuss challenges and developments made at the intersection of AI and a different field or domain. During these events, you can participate, learn, make connections, inspire and be inspired by and with the Delft AI Labs & Talent community. All interested staff is welcome at these events. The (bi-)monthly Machine Learning Teachers Get Togethers offer the perfect opportunity to (re)connect, share teaching experiences, discuss learning materials, and exchange tips and ideas about Machine Learning education.

This October, these communities are co-hosting their lunch events. Are you as faculty staff, PhD or postdoc (interested to be more) involved in Machine Learning education at your faculty or across campus? Are you interested in educational materials made and made available by fellow ML educators? Join Dr. Bianca Giovanardi (AE) as she shares about a platform for sharing AI and machine learning educational materials for teachers. Whether you're already part of either community or looking to get more involved, this is an excellent opportunity to meet fellow AI educators and engage in insightful conversations about Machine Learning education.

Please register timely, lunch will be provided!

Note for TU Delft PhDs

The TU Delft AI Lunch series is eligible for earning discipline related skills GSC with the 'Form for earning GSC for TU Delft AI(-related) seminars'. Check with your local Faculty Graduate School (FGS) if your FGS offers this option for earning Discipline Related Skills GSC; and with your supervisors if they accept our seminars on your Doctoral Education (DE) list. If you already have form, don’t forget to bring it with you.