AI PhD Poster Day 2024

25 juni 2024 14:00 t/m 17:00 - Locatie: TU Delft Hortus Botanicus | Zet in mijn agenda

Calling all TU Delft PhD researchers working in or with AI! On Tuesday 25 June (14:00-17:00) the AI Initiative will host its next PhD Poster Day at the beautiful Botanical Gardens in Delft (Hortus Botanicus). The event will include poster pitches, interactive discussions, and a borrel to kick off the summer. It’s an excellent opportunity to present your research and network with fellow AI-focused scholars from across campus. Researchers at all stages of their PhD and working in all different areas of AI are welcome:

  • Machine Learning and Foundational AI Techniques | Fundamental research into AI models and methods (sponsored by the ELLIS Delft Unit)
  • Human-Centered AI Systems | Principles and practices of human-centered approaches to AI; ethical and value-driven analyses of AI systems
  • Applications of AI | From theory to practice; applying AI solutions in domain-specific contexts 

There will be prizes for the best pitch & poster in each theme, which includes having your research profiled in a short video on the TU Delft | AI channels. 

Register & submit your poster by Tuesday 18 June.

How to submit your poster

  • Posters should use the provided PowerPoint template. The size is A0 (841 x 1188 mm). Save the document as a PDF before submitting. TEMPLATE DOWNLOAD
  • Submit your poster to in PDF format no later than Tuesday 18 June 2024.
  • Please name your PDF file in the following way: "family name-short title" (e.g. Smith-AI for Health)
  • Posters can be printed by the AI Initiative. If you want to make use of this service, please inform us via no later than Tuesday 18 June.
  • You are also welcome to re-use a previously made/printed poster.
  • After the event, the PDF posters will be included in the upcoming update & extension of the online 360° AI Lab & PhD poster environment (see current version:
  • If this is your first poster, we encourage reviewing tips for the design and content with fellow PhDs, your Faculty Graduate School or online resources.

About TU Delft | AI Initiative

AI, data and digitalisation are becoming increasingly important for solving major scientific and social issues. TU Delft is pursuing many strands of AI research, both ‘into AI’ and ‘with AI’. The role of AI technologies is also growing across our education and innovation activities. The TU Delft AI Initiative coordinates various activities and functions, providing a central platform for AI, data and digitalization-related research, for education and for innovation. It allows eight TU Delft faculties to collaborate intensively with multiple partners.