The physiotherapist is one of the experts within Boost. Our physiotherapist does not provide any treatment, but offers advice on how to treat your body in a responsible way. He will explain how you can avoid physical problems. Good information helps you reduce the risk of injury. Our physiotherapist can also give you advice about any physical problems you already have and help you decide what to do about them.

On a dynamic campus with students and employees with great ambitions, personal care sometimes unintentionally takes a back seat. Boost revolves around you! We believe that prevention is better than cure and Boost can help you keep the balance. Are you in need of a mental or physical a Boost? Please book an appointment with one of our specialists. At Boost you can find specialists with various expertise in an approachable setting: a masseur and, a physiotherapist for a physical boost and counsellors of Career & Counselling Services (C&CS) to focus on your mental wellbeing. Our experts work together so that they can help you in the best possible way.

On Thursday, Boost focuses on physical well-being. The physiotherapist is here to advise you and can give you tips about taking that healthy, next step. Don't hesitate to book an appointment for some advice free of any obligation.

Schedule & enrolment


John Pieter Brand

John Pieter Brand studies Physiotherapy at the Hogeschool Leiden. Whilst working as a physiotherapist he has done further education such as manual therapy, dry needling and hand and wrist physiotherapy. John Pieter beliefs it is most important that his clients are self-reliant, that way they can prevent future injuries and deal with it in an appropriate way. He will be present in Boost on Thursday evening.


TU Delft Student
TU Delft Employee
€ 0
€ 0
€ 0
You need an X-subscription for a session.

Practical Information

The physiotherapist is available on Thursday between 17:15-20:15

Individual, max. 1 participant
Duration session: max. 15 minutes
Enrol Directly