Hip hop is a dance style which originated in America during the 1970s. It is danced to hip hop music and is part of the wider hip hop culture. Just like breaking (breakdancing), locking and popping, hip hop developed on the streets. And even today, you still see people hip hop dancing in everyday places. This dance style is incredibly social. It also involves much more ‘freestyling’, which distinguishes it from other styles.  Dancers improvise or come up with moves or dance steps on the spot, creating their own style. Groups of dancers compete with each other in freestyle dance competitions - or ‘battles’ - at both a local and international level.

The lessons are always split into two parts. The half hour is spent on a good warming-up, during which you dance your body warm and focus on bouncing, rocking and grooving. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) also forms a part of the warming-up. In the hour that follows, you’ll work through a number of dance exercises. Freestyling is not part of the course. In the beginners’ course, you don't just work on dance techniques but also on musicality. As well as learning to dance to the pulse and the beat, you tackle double tempo movements and diverse melodies.

The course is suitable for all levels. The teacher will adapt the choreography to the level of all participants.


Schedule & enrolment


Dawn Verkerk

Dawn has been dancing hip-hop for about 15 years. She started in hip-hop competitions where she won several titles with her team, including the well-known Kunstbende competition. She then took many hip-hop classes at Global Dance Centre in Amsterdam and performed at various festivals and events. After gaining a lot of teaching experience at local dance associations in Delft (SoSalsa & D.S.D.A. Dynamic), she is now also teaching at X.


Category 1 - Student
Category 2 - TU Delft employee
Category 3 - Other

You do not need an X-subscription to follow this course. However, you do need an account in our webshop, which yo can create with your NetID. Don't have a NetID? Then drop by X to create an account.

Practical Information

Wear comfortable clothes (not jeans) and trainers or sports shoes. And don't forget to bring a towel and a bottle of water.

D.S.D.A. Dynamic offers association training and association activities in collaboration with X.

Whether you are a passionate dance-lover or just want to try something new; Dynamic's mission is to make dance accessible to everyone in Delft. They provide courses and workshops for and by students. There is something for everyone, for both beginners and advanced students, in the dance styles ballet, jazz, modern, commercial, urban, hip-hop and breakdance. They also organise regular get-togethers and other fun joint activities for members.




You need a valid X year subscription and association membership to participate.

X subscription