Heels Dance is a dance form that emerged and evolved in the United States and Europe in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, named for one of its distinguishing features: the wearing of high-heeled shoes. Heels dance is a solo dance genre often featured in routines seen in pop and hip-hop music videos. It combines many different techniques of different dance genres including Latin, Jazz, Hip-Hop and more!

In this course, you will, first of all, learn how to walk on heels and secondly how to dance on heels through different movements and techniques. During the classes, you will learn how to be vulnerable and explore who you are as a person. This course is for all genders and this dance style is a form of art where you explore new sides of yourself! The teacher adjusts the choreography to the participants' skill levels.

Schedule & enrolment


Dawn Verkerk

Dawn has been dancing hip-hop for about 15 years. She started in hip-hop competitions where she won several titles with her team, including the well-known Kunstbende competition. She then took many hip-hop classes at Global Dance Centre in Amsterdam and performed at various festivals and events. After gaining a lot of teaching experience at local dance associations in Delft (SoSalsa & D.S.D.A. Dynamic), she is now also teaching at X.

Instruction video clothes & heels


Category 1 - Student
Category 2 - TU Delft employee
Category 3 - Other

You do not need an X-subscription to follow this course. However, you do need an account in our webshop, which yo can create with your NetID. Don't have a NetID? Then drop by X to create an account.

Practical Information

Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. 

It is highly recommended to bring kneepads as well as (high) dancing heels which provide enough support and are flexible enough to dance in.

D.S.D.A. Dynamic offers association training and association activities in collaboration with X.

Whether you are a passionate dance-lover or just want to try something new; Dynamic's mission is to make dance accessible to everyone in Delft. They provide courses and workshops for and by students. There is something for everyone, for both beginners and advanced students, in the dance styles ballet, jazz, modern, commercial, urban, hip-hop and breakdance. They also organise regular get-togethers and other fun joint activities for members.




You need a valid X year subscription and association membership to participate.

X subscription