Handball is a team sport that has been around for quite a long time. But handball as we know it today is relatively young and gaining huge popularity all over the world. There are two variants of handball; field handball (which is played outside) and indoor handball. It is the latter variant which is very popular in the Netherlands. Handball is a fast and technical sport, in which you are an attacker and a defender at the same time. This makes the sport a real physical challenge!

Handball association D.S.H.V. Torius offers handball training sessions in collaboration with X. The only way to participate in the handball training sessions is as a member of this association.

There is a training group for men and one for women. The training sessions usually consist of a warming-up and different match, technical and tactical exercises, for example throwing, defending, practicing tactical systems and learning running patterns for games.



You need a valid X year subscription and association membership to participate.

X subscription

Practical Information

All levels
Closed training
You’ll need a membership of the association.
Wear comfortable sports clothing and indoor shoes.

If you want to play handball at X in September and October, you can do so during the free walk-in ticket hours. These hours will be supervised by student instructors from Torius.

After this, handball club Torius will start training and you can play handball only if you have an X subscription and as a member of handball club Torius.



You need an X subscription for this ticket hour.

Check the rates

Practical Information

Wear comfortable sports clothing and indoor shoes.