Have you always wanted to develop a stronger core? Cardio training alone won't get you there. In addition to cardio and proper nutrition, consistently training your abdominal muscles is an essential component of the success formula. This 15-minute workout can assist you in achieving a strong core and the flat stomach you desire.

The internet is filled with various training programs promising a flat and toned stomach that you can easily do at home. However, maintaining consistency with abdominal exercise routines often requires a high level of motivation. At X, our 15-minute abdominal workout is designed to support you on your journey. Our fitness instructor will guide you through a 15-minute exercise routine that targets different groups of abdominal muscles.

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Practical Information

Wear comfortable clothes and gym shoes, and don't forget to bring a towel and a bottle of water.

Online: gym shoes aren’t necessary. Wear comfortable (sports) clothes.