Do’s and don’ts at the Campus Farm

  • Take responsibility: all shared land must be maintained. We ask you kindly to work on the communal parts as well as your own plot. Since diseases can be spread easily, it’s important to have a healthy Campus Farm.
  • Respect the plants: do not use any chemical products, but stick to organic gardening.
  • Sharing is caring: we are very much in favour of co-operation, but please do not take anything without permission or allow anyone else to use your plot without our approval.
  • Respect the borders: do not plant anything in anyone else’s plot and please stick to the pathways.
  • Tidy away when you have finished: do not leave your waste lying around. Check if your waste can be composted in the bins instead and add it to the bin.
  • Garden tools: clean everything after use and return it to where it came from.



Compost is organic material that can be added to soil to help plants grow. In the Campus Farm we value sustainability and we aim for less food and gardening waste and we work together with CRE Facility Management to create compost. We’ve got one bin where we collect green waste that can be taking to the compost bins of the CRE Facility Management. This way we are part of this circular process. If we are in need of compost for our plots CRE Facility Management will provide it. During the certificate course you’ll learn about compost. 

What can you put on the compost heap? Everything green (all plants), except for bushes and tree’s. Preferably cut in small pieces.