Personalised automated learning environment helps students qualify for design classes

Provided by TU Delft Library

Since April, you can find a new series of news items in The Educator, in which teachers tell their story about how their ideas for open education were implemented in their teaching with the use of funds from the Open Education Stimulation Fund.  

This month the ‘Quiz generator for interactive MOOC’ is presented. Teaching can be quite a challenge when a group of students is not all at the same level. The difficult task of ensuring they are prepared to meet the academic requirements could be more efficient with a personalised method.  

Associate professor Chris Verhoeven and principal educator Anton Montagne, both at the Faculty of EEMCS, developed an application of their Structured Electronics Design course that generates individualised quizzes to create a portfolio of each student’s level of knowledge and skills. Hundreds of students have gone through their course, even from other parts of the world. Read more about the quiz generator published as an open textbook trough TU Delft Open Publishing.