WeLikeSharing - Winners OpenEducationWeek photo competition

We all experience difficult times during the Lockdown. One of the difficulties is how to keep in touch with your students.  
Students appreciate it if you actually notice they are struggling, so do not hesitate to address a student on issues not directly related to their studies, to the research at hand, but also show you care about their wellbeing. Show you are interested in how they experience studying in the lockdown situation, what it is like to study from home, to miss out on social activities, not to be able to exercise etc. 

Other students have experienced that being given a short poll on their well-being in class, and then sharing these experiences was helpful.

International students have indicated that being asked after their frustrated expectations, or their financial situation, showing that you are aware that it is often a heavy burden for them, which causes extra stress, helps. 

Of course, if you have the time to reach out to individual students occasionally, that is always much appreciated. 

Should during any of the situations where you meet students, you feel that a student could do with some more (professional) support you can always refer him/her to the academic counsellor. And you could always, also in groups, occasionally drop a hint to go to Gezonde Boel, the online wellbeing tool.

What we can do as a teaching community is listen and connect. Show each other we care and know where more care is available. This document (English version) (Dutch version) - pointers for lecturers - can support you in identifying personal issues and to address this adequately.