TU Delft Education Fellowship
The TU Delft Education Fellowship is a two-year grant (€25,000 per year per fellow) to carry out a project on innovation in education, recognising and appreciating the effort and impact of educators.
Since 2016 - 2024, up to four TU Delft Education Fellows have been appointed each year, leading to a total of 35 fellows. We are pleased to announce that the 4TU Centre for Engineering Education (4TU.CEE) has made funding available to finance one additional TU Delft Education Fellow, starting in 2025. In 2025 a pilot will also start in cooperation with the Convergence Programme in which there will be up to two additional Education Fellows pre-selected by the Convergence Programme Directors to strengthen Transdisciplinary Education.
Education Fellows get funded for two years to work on their project, they are accountable for the project results and actively propagate their experiences and results to the broader engineering education community inside and outside TU Delft.
“Once a fellow always a fellow”. Besides working on a project, Fellows also become members of the Education Fellowship Community. They play an ambassadorial role within their faculty and within the university, encouraging other educators to also be or become actively involved in innovating education. Fellows are role models within the Teaching Academy, at the TU Delft Education Day and in the future of Engineering Education in Delft and beyond.
The Education Fellow sponsored by 4TU.CEE Delft will be closely connected with the 4TU.CEE programme, the 4TU partners and their community.
The Education Fellows linked to the pilot partnership with the Convergence Programme will of course also be strongly involved in the Convergence Education network. -
Every year the Vice-Rector Magnificus/Vice President Education (Rob Mudde), and the Academic Director Teaching Academy (Annoesjka Cabo), invite the Deans to nominate a maximum of two candidates from their faculty by sending in a concise dossier for each of them. Up to two additional Education Fellows will be nominated and pre-selected by the Convergence Programme Directors.The deadline for the nominations is Wednesday 18 September 2024.
An assessment committee will assess all nominees and their dossiers on the basis of a number of assessment criteria. The committee selects a maximum of 5 proposals (including 1 proposal to be sponsored by 4TU.CEE Delft). They will also appoint a maximum of two extra ‘Transdisciplinary Education’ Fellows from the nominated Convergence candidates.
- 18 September 2024: Deadline nominations by the deans.
- Mid-October 2024: Assessment Committee meeting
- Before the end of October: The deans and candidates are informed about the decision of the assessment committee.
- 7 November 2024: TU Delft Education Day: Official announcement of the newly appointed TU Delft Education Fellows.
- 1 January 2025: The appointed Education Fellows start their projects
TU Delft Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Full Professors are eligible as Education Fellows. Once educators have been admitted to the Education Fellowship programme, they cannot reapply for a second Education Fellowship funding.Duo-Applications are allowed.
The applications will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:
- The innovative nature of the project
- The connection with the Strategic Agenda TU Delft 2024-2030
- The expected impact of the project results on engineering education, beyond course level and relevant for the broader TU Delft education community
- The intended approach of monitoring and/or evaluating the effects of the innovation
- The collaborative component in the project, demonstrating that innovation in education is a joint effort
- The dissemination plan
- The educational profile of the applicant
The criteria mentioned above should be accounted for in a dossier containing:- A clear project plan (approximately 3-6 pages) consisting of a clear Problem Description, Goal, Project Approach, Activities, Methods, Collaborations, Global timeline, Planned budget spend, Deliverables, Evaluation approach, and a Dissemination plan.
- A short statement on whether or not the applicant is willing to connect to the 4TU.CEE network and programme.
The 4TU.CEE programme focusses on Responsible Engineering; Entrepreneurial Engineering; Computational Thinking; Challenge-Based Learning; Teaching Excellence in Engineering Education; ICT Enhanced Education. - An education CV of the candidate
- A nomination letter by the candidate’s Dean of the Faculty. (For the additional Convergence candidates a nominaion letter is expected from the Convergence Programme Director)
The awarded "Lecturer/Educator of the Year" from TU Delft faculties can be nominated without an education CV. However, a description of the project, a statement in relation to 4TU.CEE and a nomination letter are still required.
The Assessment Committee consists of the Vice-Rector Magnificus/Vice President Education, Academic Director of the Teaching Academy, a Dean, a Director of Education and an appointed Education Fellow. For the TU Delft Education Fellow financed by 4TU.CEE the TU Delft CEE leader is involved.They will select maximum 5 proposals on the basis of the criteria and dossier mentioned above. They will also appoint a maximum of two extra ‘Transdisciplinary Education’ Fellows from the nominated Convergence candidates.
Annoesjka Cabo | Academic Director Teaching Academy
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