
233 results

08 April 2020

Globally mapping air pollution

Globally mapping air pollution

Satellites are the best available measuring instruments to detect man-made pollution worldwide. Atmospheric scientist Pieternel Levelt initiated OMI and TROPOMI, two of the most prestigious measuring instruments for the detailed mapping of harmful pollutants in the atmosphere. TROPOMI, the latest of the two, is capable of identifying and studying sources of pollution with even greater precision. The recently launched satellite will also be monitoring the main greenhouse gas emissions.

06 April 2020

TU Delft joins International Universities Climate Alliance

TU Delft joins International Universities Climate Alliance

An International Universities Climate Alliance (‘Climate Alliance’) has been established this week. Over 40 universities from around the world committed to collaborating for climate insight and action.

12 March 2020

Into the mud to help nature

Into the mud to help nature

PhD candidate Lodewijk de Vet stood in the mud for weeks, in order to learn about organisms in the seabed and to take measurements. He wants to understand the Eastern and Western Scheldt better, so that he can help the ecology while simultaneously protecting our country from rising sea levels. His understanding of these areas served as a foundation for the Roggenplaat nourishments, that have since been executed.

26 February 2020

TU Delft climate arboretum

TU Delft climate arboretum

Wednesday 18 March, National Tree Day (Nationale Boomfeestdag), will see the opening of the first climate arboretum at TU Delft.

25 February 2020

TU Delft Climate Institute offers travel support for negative emissions intern program

TU Delft Climate Institute offers travel support for negative emissions intern program

The climate institute at TU Delft would like to take up the challenge to develop scientific knowledge, scientific tools and technological solutions necessary for reversing the increase in atmospheric emissions.