News, media & events

News & Media Appearances

20 results

02 March 2023

ChatGPT: a risky advisor when it comes to safety related information

ChatGPT: a risky advisor when it comes to safety related information

An international consortium led by TU Delft researchers explored ChatGPT's capabilities in providing safety-related advice. Amongst them are TU Delft researchers Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios, Helma Torkamaan, Steffen Steinert, and Genserik Reniers. They found that it is risky to rely on ChatGPT as a source of information and advice. The results are available in the preprint ‘The Risks of Using ChatGPT to Obtain Common Safety-Related Information and Advice’ in SSRN.

17 January 2023

TU Delft Safety & Security Institute Funds 8 Seed Projects

TU Delft Safety & Security Institute Funds 8 Seed Projects

The TU Delft Safety & Security Institute received no less than 15 proposals from TU Delft researchers for the Seed Funding Call which was issued at the end of 2022. The total amount requested was 187k€ euro, while we had 75k€ available. As a result, we were able to fund 8 proposals.

14 October 2022

Genserik Reniers bij ZDF over veiligheid van de LNG terminal in de Rotterdamse haven

Genserik Reniers bij ZDF over veiligheid van de LNG terminal in de Rotterdamse haven

Het incident met de Nordstream gasleiding laat zien hoe kwetsbaar onze energieinfrastructuur in Europa is. Het laat het belang zien van goede beveiliging van deze infrastructuur. Genserik Reniers geeft aan dat om de veiligheid van de LNG terminal in de Rotterdamse haven te waarborgen een security strategie nodig is met daarin opgenomen de grote risico's en zwartste scenario's, zodat we kunnen handelen als zich een incident voordoet.

01 April 2021

New publication: Journal of Integrated Security and Safety Science

New publication: Journal of Integrated Security and Safety Science

We are proud to present the new Journal of Integrated Security and Safety Science. An open access journal in which you can freely read and publish innovative papers that offer a significant contribution - conceptual, theoretical, methodological, or empirical - to all areas of physical security and safety in industries and infrastructures.

13 October 2020

Three job openings for the new Centre for Safety in Healthcare

The new Centre for Safety in Healthcare has three job openings available at the moment: one for an Assistant Professor (a Tenure Track position), one for a PhD student and one for a senior researcher.