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News & Media Appearances

20 results

03 July 2023

Safer railway system through new incident and accident investigation methodology

Rail freight and passenger transport is expected to continue to grow. This poses risks to the safety of rail workers, passengers and people living near railways. To prevent accidents and incidents, a well-functioning safety management system is essential. Bart Accou, TU Delft PhD student and Head of Safety & Operations at the European Union Agency for Railways, developed a new method to investigate incidents and accidents in a structured way: SAfety FRactal ANalysis (SAFRAN).

19 June 2023

More openness benefits safety and effectiveness at Defence

More openness benefits safety and effectiveness at Defence

Within the Defence organisation, safety is paramount. To ensure this safety, employees are expected to work according to protocols. Research by TU Delft PhD student and Aviation psychologist Leonie Boskeljon shows that for employees in the field, working according to rules does not always improve safety and effectiveness.

04 April 2023

MSCA Doctoral Network grant awarded on AI for road safety: ‘IVORY’

MSCA Doctoral Network grant awarded on AI for road safety: ‘IVORY’

Road accidents cause more than 1.35 million fatalities per year globally. The UN and European Union want to eliminate these traffic fatalities. The newly awarded Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network ‘IVORY’ addresses this goal and will kick-off in September 2023. It will set up an industrial doctorates network to develop a new framework for optimal integration of AI in road safety research, and train a new generation of leading researchers in the field. Eleonora Papadimitriou of the TPM faculty of TU Delft is the leading scientist and will be coordinating the network. Other TPM researchers that are involved are Amir Pooyan Afghari, Filippo Santoni de Sio and Pieter van Gelder.

27 March 2023

Road safety & social pressure to speed - A chat with Amir Pooyan Afghari

Road safety & social pressure to speed - A chat with Amir Pooyan Afghari

With its seed funding program, the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute aims to increase the impact of safety & security research and education at TU Delft and to strengthen the position of TU Delft in this field. In this series of 'coffee chats', we talk to the project leaders to find out what is happening.

27 March 2023

Kornelis Blok and Behnam Taebi appointed as members Dutch Scientific Climate Council

Kornelis Blok and Behnam Taebi appointed as members Dutch Scientific Climate Council

On the recommendation of Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy, the Dutch government has approved the appointment of nine new members of the Scientific Climate Council (WKR). Among them are TU Delft researchers Kornelis Blok and Behnam Taebi. The council advises the government on climate policy, based on independent scientific expertise.