Dr. A.C. (Sander) Smit
Dr. A.C. (Sander) Smit
Sander Smit is an Assistant Professor of Data Analytics, Innovation and Organization at the Economics of Technology and Innovation section of the Values, Technology and Innovation Department. He holds a Ph.D. in Organization Studies from Tilburg University (cum laude) and an MSc (cum laude) in Science and Innovation Management (Utrecht University). Before joining TU Delft, Sander worked as an assistant professor (KIN group, VU Amsterdam), researcher (section Strategic Management, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) and lecturer (Department of Organization Studies, Tilburg University).
In his research, Smit focuses on the relationship between inter-organizational networks and innovation in public-private R&D consortia. To study this relationship, he has built a unique data set of about 3,000 Dutch R&D projects, the first of which started in 1981. Work on this dataset is ongoing. He is especially interested in the dynamics of inter-organizational networks, for which he employs a multilevel perspective in teasing out the role of these dynamics in innovation. He has taught a broad range of courses on all academic levels (bachelor, pre-master, master, executive education and PhD) on topics in organization studies (strategy& organization, financial and project management, inter-organizational relationships), research methods (both quantitative and qualitative research) and business analytics (business intelligence & analytics and R programming). He has extensive experience supervising research projects (theses and group research) and literature reviews.
Network dynamics and its impact on innovation outcomes
R&D consortia in the Dutch water sector
Remco S. Mannak / Arjan Markus / Marius T.H. Meeus / Jörg Raab / Alexander C. Smit
Ancillary activities
2023-01-02 - 2025-01-01
2023-01-02 - 2026-12-31