Dr. F.S. (Seda) Gürses
Seda is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Multi-Actor Systems at TU Delft at the Faculty of Technology Policy and Management, and an affiliate at the COSIC Group at the Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), KU Leuven. Previously she was an FWO post-doctoral fellow at COSIC/ESAT, a research associate at the Center for Information Technology and Policy at Princeton University, and a fellow at the Media, Culture and Communications Department at NYU Steinhardt as well as the Information Law Institute at NYU Law School.
Her work focuses on privacy enhancing and protective optimization technologies (PETs and POTs), privacy engineering, as well as questions around software infrastructures, social justice and political economy as they intersect with computer science. You can read more about her work on the Programmable Infrastructures Project here.
- Bekah Overdorf, Bogdan Kulynych, Ero Balsa, Carmela Troncoso, Seda Gürses (2018), “Questioning the Assumptions Behind Fairness Solutions”, Workshop on Critiquing and Correcting Trends in Machine Learning (co-located with NeuroIPS).
- Seda Gürses, Rebekah Overdorf, Ero Balsa (2018), Stirring the POTs: Protective Optimization Technologies, In Emre Bayamlioglu, Irina Baraliuc, Liisa Janssens, Mireille Hildebrandt (Eds.) Being Profiled: Cogitas Ergo Sum: 10 years of Profiling the European Citizen, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
- S Gurses, J Van Hoboken, Privacy after the Agile Turn, In, Jules Polonetsky, Omer Tene, and Evan Selinger (Eds.): Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Privacy (Cambridge University Press) (2018):579-601.
- Sebastian Benthall, Seda Gürses, Helen Nissenbaum, “ Contextual Integrity through the Lens of Computer Science “, In Anupam Datta, Jeannette Wing (Eds.) Foundations and Trends in Privacy and Security 2, no. 1 (2017): 1-69.
- Seda Gürses, Joris Van Hoboken, Arun Kundnani (2016). Crypto and Empire: The Contradictions of Counter-Surveillance Advocacy, Media, Culture and Society Special Issue on Infrastructures of Empire, 38(4), 576-590.
- Seda Gürses, Carmela Troncoso, Claudia Diaz (2015), Engineering Privacy By Design Reloaded, Amsterdam Privacy Conference
- Seda Gürses and Jose M. del Alamo (2016). Privacy Engineering: Shaping an emerging field of research practice, IEEE Security and Privacy, 14(2), 40-46.
- S Gürses, C Diaz, Two tales of privacy in online social networks, IEEE Security & Privacy 11 (3), 29-37
- S Gürses, C Gonzalez Troncoso, C Diaz, Engineering Privacy By Design, Computers, Privacy & Data Protection
- Serving on MSI-AUT Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights
- Co-Chair Critiquing and Rethinking Accountability, Fairness and Transparency (CRAFT) Program part of ACM FAT*
- Steering Committee ACM FAT* and Interdisciplinary Summer School on Privacy
Seda Gürses
Associate Professor
- F.S.Gurses@tudelft.nl
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Building 31Room number: B2.180
Multi-Actor Systems
Organisation & Governance
Research interests:
Software Engineering
Software Infrastructures
Additional information
Dr. F.S. Gürses
i-Dair Project (Funded by the Botnar Foundation) Infrastructural Interactions (UK ESPRC Project) Technology in the Public Interest ( Research Communities Funding: COVID-19 / Quintin Hogg Trust)
Seda Gürses is an Associate Professor in the Department of Multi-Actor Systems at TU Delft at the Faculty of Technology Policy and Management (TPM), and an affiliate at the COSIC Group at the Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), KU Leuven. Previously she received the prestigious FWO post-doctoral fellowship of the Research Foundation, Flanders which she completed at KU Leuven, was a research associate and fellow at the Center for Information Technology and Policy at Princeton University, and a fellow at the Media, Culture and Communications Department at NYU Steinhardt and at the Information Law Institute at NYU Law School. Her work focuses on privacy enhancing and protective optimization technologies (PETs and POTs), privacy engineering, as well as questions around software infrastructures, social justice and political economy as they intersect with computer science. She is currently in the Management Team of the TPM AI Lab, is a member of the DP3T Team that developed the privacy preserving contact tracing protocol later adopted by Google and Apple, is a co-founder of The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest.
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2024-09-22 - 2026-09-20
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