A. Ghorbani

A. Ghorbani


Amineh Ghorbani is an Associate professor of Institutional Modelling and Analysis at the System's Engineering group.  She is also an affiliated member of the Institutional Grammar Research InitiativeInstitutions for Collective Action and the Ostrom Workshop.

Amineh’s research focuses on the role of institutions in climate change mitigation and adaptation. She using modelling, simulation, network analysis in combination with qualitative methods to conduct her research.

Research interests

Amineh’s research interest is in studying institutional transformation in the face of climate change. She currently focuses on how collective action (e.g. in the form of community energy systems, urban commons) can contribute to more resilience for climate change mitigation. Being methodologically-driven, Amineh has pioneered “Institutional Modelling” by developing the  MAIA framework  (Modelling agent-systems using institutional analysis). She is also the developer of the  Institutional Network Analysis  method for studying interconnection between institutions.

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