News & In the media

297 results

20 May 2021

ASDI Grant 2020 awarded to study the impact of climate change adaptation on poverty traps

ASDI Grant 2020 awarded to study the impact of climate change adaptation on poverty traps

Periodic disasters such as epidemics and flooding can create conditions that make it difficult for vulnerable and marginalised groups to escape poverty.

30 April 2021

Arthur Weber in de Volkskrant over de 'zonne-oorlog' waarom Europa zijn eigen zonnepanelen moet gaan produceren

Arthur Weber in de Volkskrant over de 'zonne-oorlog' waarom Europa zijn eigen zonnepanelen moet gaan produceren

28 April 2021

NWO awards 10 million euros for solving cyber security issues

NWO awards 10 million euros for solving cyber security issues

Within the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) programme “Cyber Security”, five consortia will work on finding solutions related to internet security. TU Delft is involved in four of the consortia. Three projects will focus on governance, and two will also focus on cryptologic aspects. The total research budget amounts to circa 10 million euros. Professor Michel van Eeten is leading the project ‘THESEUS: Making patching happen’. Other TPM researchers that are involved are Simon Parkin, Kate Labunets en Kevin Borgolte.

15 April 2021

Participate in the 3rd Workshop on obfuscation

Participate in the 3rd Workshop on obfuscation

The 3rd Workshop on Obfuscation will take place on 7 May 2021. The aim of the conference is to convene participants around the concept and practice of obfuscation in digital societies.

06 April 2021

Indushree Banerjee in India Education Diary over novel disaster communication system

Indushree Banerjee in India Education Diary over novel disaster communication system

Indushree Banerjee has designed a novel energy-efficient and reliable emergency communication system using smartphones, that maximizes the number of people who are able to communicate during a longer period of time in those crucial 72 hours after the disaster has happened.