Dr. T. (Thomas) Hoppe


Thomas Hoppe (1980) earned his Master’s degree in Public Administration specializing in Public Policy and Environmental Policy, and PhD in Public Policy, at the University of Twente. After working there for ten years (at the Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability – CSTM) he commenced work at TU Delft as per April 2016.

In 2011 Thomas was awarded the ‘G.A. van Poelje Jaarprijs‘ (annual award for best dissertation in the in the field of Public Administration in the Netherlands and Flanders) on behalf of the Vereniging voor Bestuurskunde for his dissertation on low carbon policy in residential areas (weblink: http://doc.utwente.nl/68963/1/thesis_T_Hoppe.pdf). 

Thomas is involved in six PhD projects as daily supervisor. He has supervised more than 60 students working on Bachelor’s and Master’s assignments.

Thomas has had memberships of the NIG (Netherlands Institute of Government studies) PhD council (chair) and Advisory Council from 2006 till 2009. Before  From 2004 till 2005 he served a year at the Ministry of Social Housing, Spatial and Environmental Policy (voormalig Ministerie van VROM), taking an internship as part of his Master’s track.

Thomas holds a University Teaching Qualification certificate( UTQ).


His research focus is ‘Governance of Energy Transition’. His expertise is on:

  • Public Policy
  • Governance
  • Environmental Policy
  • Local Low Carbon Citizens Initiatives
  • Climate Change Policy
  • Policy Networks, Governance and Innovation
  • Smart Cities

Thomas is co-founder and co- chair of the NIG (Netherlands Institute of Government) research colloquium on ‘Energy and Climate Governance’. He is also co-founder of the “Energy, Policy and Law” network (EPL).

Thomas is currently involved in the H2020-EE-2015-3-MarketUptake project, entitled “REScoop PLUS” (2016-2019), as a work package leader.

Thomas participates in the Delft Energy Initiative


  • ‘Bestuur & Recht I’ (Public Administration & Law 1; SPM1211)
  • Master Thesis Preparation (SPM59050)

Also involved in:

  • Governance of Socio-Technical Systems (TB224A)
  • Understanding International Grand Challenges (EPA1101)
  • Sustainable innovation and System transition (at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland).
  • Hoppe, T., F.H.J.M. Coenen, and M.M. van den Berg. (2016). Illustrating the use of concepts from the discipline of policy studies in energy research: an explorative literature review. Energy Research & Social Science, 21, 12-32. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2016.06.006.
  • Hoppe, T., Vegt, A. van der, P. Stegmaier. (2016). Presenting a framework to analyze local climate action in small and medium-sized cities. Sustainability, 8(9), 847. doi:10.3390/su8090847.
  • Hoppe, T., A. Graf, B. Warbroek, I. Lammers, and I. Lepping. (2015). Local governments supporting local energy initiatives; Lessons from the best practices of Saerbeck (Germany) and Lochem (The Netherlands). Sustainability, 7(2),1900-1931. doi:10.3390/su7021900.
  • Viétor, B., T. Hoppe, and J. Clancy. (2015). Decentralised combined heat and power in the German Ruhr Valley; assessment of factors blocking uptake and integration. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 5(5), 1-16. doi:10.1186/s13705-015-0033-0.
  • Hoppe, T., M.M. van den Berg, and F.H.J.M. Coenen. (2014). Reflections on the uptake of local climate policy: facing the challenges of mitigation and adaptation. Energy, Sustainability and Society,4(8), 1-16. doi:10.1186/2192-0567-4-8.
  • Faber, A. and T. Hoppe. (2013). Co-constructing a sustainable built environment in the Netherlands – Dynamics and opportunities in an environmental sectoral innovation system. Energy Policy, 52, 628-638.
  • Hoppe, T. (2012). Adoption of Innovative Energy Systems in Social Housing; Lessons from eight Large-Scale Renovation Projects in the Netherlands, Energy Policy, 51, 791-801.
  • Hoppe, T., J.Th. A. Bressers, and K.R.D. Lulofs. (2011). Local government influence on energy conservation ambitions in existing housing sites - plucking the low-hanging Fruit. Energy Policy, 39, 916-925.
  • Editorial responsibilities:
  • Hoppe, T., Bueren, E.M. van, Sanders, M.Ph.Th. (Eds.) (2016). Energietransitie en lokaal bestuur. Bestuurswetenschappen. Forthcoming in October 2016..
  • Arentsen, M.J., D. Fiedler and T. Hoppe. (Eds.). (2015). Cape Forum on Green and Smart Transitions in Cities and Regions: Technical and Governance Challenges”, Energy, Sustainability and Society, 2015, 5. Thematic series: http://www.energsustainsoc.com/series/CFCR 
  • Hoppe, T., E.M. van Bueren (Eds.). (2014). Governing the climate challenge and energy transition in cities, Energy, Sustainability and Society. 2014, 4. Thematic series: http://www.energsustainsoc.com/series/GCCE 
  • Hoppe, T., E.M. van Bueren, and M.Ph.Th. Sanders (Eds.). (2013). Sturingsvraagstukken rond klimaat en energie, Bestuurswetenschappen, 67(2).

More publications

Selected projects:

  • NWO-VAM (Vulnerabilty, Adaptation, Mitigation). “CO2-reduction in the Mainstream Market of the Built Environment.” (2005-2009).
  • NWO-URSES. “Smart Regimes for Smart Grids”. (2014-2018).
  • H2020-EE-2015-3-MarketUptake “REScoop PLUS” (2016-2019).
  • H2020-TWINN-2015 “SUPREME”.
  • UCF PhD call. “Governance of local sustainability initiatives in the Frisian context; Can improved governance reap additional benefits for liveability and sustainability?” (2014-2018).
  • NIG Research colloquium “Energy and climate governance”. (2013-2016).

Thomas is reviewer at 15 refereed academic journals.

  • Hoppe, T. (2009). CO2-reductie in de bestaande woningbouw; een beleidswetenschappelijk onderzoek naar ambitie en realisatie (translation in English: “CO2 reduction in the existing built environment; a policy study on ambition setting and goal achievement”), dissertation (PhD), University of Twente, Enschede.

Dr. Thomas Hoppe

Associate Professor

Multi-Actor Systems

Organisation & Governance


Research interests:
Governance of energy transition

Additional information

Prof.dr. T. Hoppe