Language of Science


In order to successfully complete an academic degree, it is not enough to know general Dutch only: students need to know academic Dutch as well. This course is meant for those who are going to do a technical academic degree at TU Delft. For the BSc Electrical Engineering this course is no longer required. For them only B2 level is required.

The syllabus contains texts on Mathematical and Physics topics at secondary school level as well as topics that are relevant for engineering courses (e.g. patent right, company processes and models of technological development).

For each part there is a separate exam. It depends on your study which parts you need to study. You will get more information about that and the exams when you register.

If you intend to do a bridging programme for a Msc study at TUDelft, please contact Christa Hemerik or Sonja van Boxtel.

For students who want to study Civil Engineering, it is compulsory to take an extra module.

Study workload

This course is a complete self-study programme. The study workload is around 240 hours in total. For the Civil Engineering module, it is approximately 160 hours. The study workload for prospective students in Civil Engineering, the total workload is around 400 hrs.


The syllabus for Language of Science  and the audio and video files are available at the office managers.


The Language of Science course can only be done after having successfully completed the Derde Ronde (Advanced course) or the Staatsexamen NT2, level II (State exam).

When you have passed all four components of the NT2 Staatsexamen (level II), we would like to receive a copy of the certificates you have obtained.

After registration you can start the programme at any given moment. For appointments about testing you can contact the course managers.

Course fees and payment

The costs for the self-study programme Language of Science, including computer language tests, final exam and teaching materials, are € 195,-.

For the Language of Civil Engineering the costs are € 155,-.

All payments can be made through bank transfer.

Dutch for Engineers

Our new Professional Language Course: Dutch for Engineers will soon be published. For this course, we were allowed to use teaching materials from various organisations and teachers.

Many thanks!

Collegerama en docenten van de TU Delft
Universiteit van Nederland
Marcel Eggen - Youtube
Martijn Leensen
Meneer Wietsma