
Would you like to start your own initiative? Email your community coordination.


  • Advocate for research data management and sharing within your department/group/section. Data champions disseminate information on the latest data/code developments, fostering good data practices within their groups/departments.
  • Inform policy, service, and training development by collaborating closely with faculty data stewards. Data champions contribute input and feedback for data policies, workflows, tools, and training initiatives.
  • Share expertise on data management during departmental and section presentations and training events, positioning data champions as local authorities on data-related issues.
  • Network with data champions from diverse faculties and departments through bi-annual meetings, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among TU Delft's Data Champions.

Become a Data Champion by indicating your interest in the OSCD form.

Delft Open Hardware is a bottom-up community of students, researchers, university staff and alumni at TU Delft, started in September 2019. We believe that open source software and hardware (releasing publicly the source of how hardware is designed so that anyone can study, improve and distribute the technology) are game changers in education, research and sustainability. This is why we work on open source hardware projects and run events where we share our expertise and passion with others.


  • Design and develop open hardware projects together, through sharing our ideas in meetups and our Telegram group.
  • Organise training and events to raise awareness around open hardware
  • Mentor and supervise open hardware bachelor & master theses projects and internships

Visit the Delft Open Hardware website to find out more, and join our community!

Citizen Science Community at TU Delft is a bottom-up initiative that brings together researchers, educators and university staff passionate about Citizen Science/Participatory research. We believe that Citizen Science is a catalyst for closing the gap between traditional scientific community and the people who benefit from the results of the research.


  • Discuss relevant challenges, solutions and opportunities in citizen science projects in regular lunch meetings
  • Organize training, MOOCs and events to raise awareness about Citizen Science
  • Advocate for improved services and infrastructure at TU Delft to make utilizing Citizen science methodology easier and more efficient

Visit the website to find out more about Citizen Science principles and tools, and indicate your interest in joining this initiative when you join OSCD.