BSc Technische Wiskunde and MSc Applied Mathematics

Meetings Board of Examiners

Thursday, August 8, 2024
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Application forms and requests have to be received at least  5 working days prior to the meeting. Requests that are not handed in in time will automatically be moved up to the next meeting.We aim to inform you within two weeks after the meeting by email about the formal decision of the Board of Examiners.

To register for the BSc degree please send the application form to  20 working days before the meeting.
All requirements must be met no later than five working days before the meeting in question.

Please note that the forms for the Master Graduation need to be handed in according to the Master Graduation Procedure and no later than indicated in the scedule below.



Thesis Committee form

Submit the form via MaRe for approval three months before defence date.

Final Examination Form

Submit the form via MaRe after you have an approved Thesis Committee, but no later than 6 weeks prior to the established defence date.

Defence can only take place after approval of both forms.
Please be aware  that If the defense takes place without an approved Thesis Committee you are at high risk of having the result of the master thesis defense declared invalid!


Graduation Ceremony Bachelor

On Friday, November 22, the yearly collective graduation ceremony will take place. In case you do not want to wait and want to collect your diploma before that time you can schedule an appointment to do so. We will inform you as soon as the diploma is available. Once you collected the diploma you will no longer be invited for the graduation ceremony .