
B-in-4-workshop (week 5.7, 5.8, 1.1, 1.2) 
Targeted at BSC CSE / EE / TW students. Description: Plan your Bachelor in 4 Years. If you still have first year courses to pass after year 1, this may have considerable impact on your plans for your second year. From experience we know that chances are very likely that you will need an extra year to graduate. Also, there are prerequisites for some of the courses. This workshop gives you the opportunity to get a clear understanding of all the courses in your programme and to plan the remainder of your BSc CSE realistically. Why take this workshop? Because working on a realistic plan generates higher chances of success and therefore motivates you to keep working. 

MOMI workshop: (week 4.2, 4.3)
Targeted at Non-EU students. Description: as a non-EU student there are many rules & regulations concerning your stay here as a student. This workshop gives information concerning the MOMI procedures, so you know the conditions and what to do, also in the case that things might work out differently. 

Plan-Your-Resits (week 2.3) 
Targeted at BSc CSE students. Description: especially for first year CSE students, the Christmas break offers you an opportunity to make amends for the resits of Q1. How are you going to do this? By planning well beforehand! 

Career & Counselling Services offers a large number of workshops and training courses (many of which are free of charge) on studying effectively, getting personal support, programme choice and careers.