Graduation Topic & Data
Sometimes, finding the right topic for your thesis can be harder than drafting the thesis itself. On this page, you will find some strategies and ways to discover your topic of interest.
There is no specific way to find the topic of your interest, but we provide these following questions that you can ask yourself to find your topic of interest.
What are my major interests? What major personal experience related to my discipline do I have? What courses were most exciting? Which courses were not a good match with my interests? What theories and concepts are interesting? What do I want to avoid? What data do I need? What research methods do I like? What are my career goals?
To find more topics, you can also look at relevant PhD research and find the topics which align with your interest.
You might also want to have a look at the repository to get leads on research topics. You can also check the Brightspace page of CME to find potential research topics.
At the start of your thesis preparation, you might have to modify your research question(s) according to the demand or goal of the research. Always consult your committee about any modifications you like to make. Remember, you are going to spend a lot of time on this project, so choose a topic wisely based on what you find most interesting and significant. Seek feedback from your peers and supervisors to get more understanding about the topic.
Try to think beforehand about what kind of data you might need for your thesis work and where to find that type of data. Discuss with your committee about this issue, starting with the 1st supervisor. In case of a company project, discuss with the company supervisor(s) about the information that they can make available for you.
Here is a short video of one of your colleagues' reflections on some of the challenges that he/she faced during his/her graduation project.
Video 1: In this video, Mark Kanters shares his experience with finding an exciting research topic and research questions.
Video 2 : In this video, Georgios Athanasiou shares his experience identifying the graduation topic, research question, writing and presenting.