Internship at CEG

Welcome to the website of the internship office Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CiTG) of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). On this page you will find all practical information about the possibility to do the elective 'internship', 'research project', 'company internship' within the MSc program.

The faculty CiTG offers these Master elective internships:

MSc Civil Engineering CIEM0120
MSc Environmental Engineering     ENVM3000, ENVM0121
MSc Construction Management and Engineering           CME2100-11
MSc Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics CIEM0120

Are you going to do an internship?

These are the steps to take

Before you can start the registration process, you

  • Need to make sure you have a minimum of 45 ECTS
  • Find a company or research institute that can accommodate you as an intern and find a daily company supervisor
  • Find a University Supervisor, who is a TU Delft employee that is formally appointed as an examiner. Contact the track coordinator if you have difficulties finding a university supervisor
  • Read the Internship Manual and other information on Brightspace and Studiegids

You are now ready to start registering!

  1. Enroll on Brightspace, course CIEM0120 or ENVM3000 *For more information about internship CME2100-11 please contact your track coordinator
  2. Get the faculty internship agreement signed by your company supervisor. The internship agreement form can be found on Brightspace 
  3. Fill out the UNL contract*, have it signed by the company supervisor and yourself. Don't deviate from the standard. A changed contract will not be accepted! Download the UNL here: Stageovereenkomst universiteiten | Universiteiten van Nederland. When you do your internship at the TU Delft you don’t need a UNL contract

Preparation phase

  1. Log in to OnStage, enter your internship information, including your university supervisor
  2. Upload the faculty internship agreement, signed by the company supervisor/auxiliary supervisor when doing your internship at the TU Delft.
  3. The university supervisor approves the faculty internship agreement in onstage
  4. The internship office will check your ECTS
  5. Upload the UNL Contract, signed by the company supervisor and yourself (the student)
  6. The internship office will check, approve and re-upload the UNL into your OnStage dossier
  7. The internship office gives formal approval

During your internship

  1. During the internship keep a log of activities and experiences as it helps to avoid an excessive amount of work in producing the final report
  2. Keep in touch with your university supervisor as agreed upon before the start of the internship or whenever you deem necessary
  3. In case of substantial changes in the scope of the internship or when problems occur regarding the execution of tasks, contact the university supervisor and the internship coordinator immediately
  4. Start writing your report during the internship and seriously plan to have it completed by the end of the internship period


  1. Check your internship reports on plagiarism via TurnitIn via the tab ‘Assignments’ in your course on Brightspace. Download the plagiarism report and send it to the principal TU examiner per E-mail
  2. Upload your internship reports to OnStage
  3. Contact the principal TU examiner within two weeks after finishing the internshipDiscuss whether your examiner wants your report hard-copy or digitally and make an appointment for an evaluation meeting
  4. Ensure that the company supervisor/auxiliary supervisor (when doing your internship at the TU Delft) evaluates your report, fills out the designated assessment form and sends it to after the evaluation meeting
  5. The university supervisor will fill out the designated part of the assessment form in OnStage to determine a collective grade, which will be registered in Osiris

Frequently asked questions

Information for companies

To offer internships or for more information, click on the button.

Important links